
You do not pay per seat.
We are not a movie theater.
The only OKR tool on the planet that charges by value delivered to you!
The value you get from the tool is the outcome of active OKR Goals.
(and done Value Items)
OKRs are all about "less is more", meaning you should not create a large set of OKRs,
so the pricing also encourages good practices. Can you beat that?
Create OKRs for Cross-functional Teams, Value Units, and Organizational Units, not individuals. See Accountability.
For smaller organizations and teams who are ready to explore how a dedicated tool can help you learn faster and achieve the results, you are after.
When you realize the power of a good OKR tool and want to get support for more teams and need to model your goals and daily work in more detail, this is the plan that got you covered.
OKRs need context. That context is strategy. On that journey, you need a compass and gauges. With KPIs and Health metrics bridging to OKRs and support for the action layer (work management), no one will stop you!
monthly for UNLIMITED users
all plans
Free forever!
Flat fee 49€
4€ Active OKR Goal
Flat fee 199€
3€ Active OKR Goal
An example of how your monthly bill is calculated:

If you would have eight active OKRs throughout the entire year,
that would be 972€ for unlimited users for the Core plan.
If we would charge 9€ per user per month that would cover only six users for one year.
We think different, so you can pay less for more.
JIRA has Issues, we have Value Items ;-)
Goal Management
OKR Goal Scopes
OKRs for (cross-functional) Teams, for Value Units (Products, Services, ...), and for Organizational Units
+ OKRs for the Vision, Mission and Values
Deciding on which concepts you will create OKRs on plays a major role in your OKR rollout.
Think ahead; do not blindly follow company/department/personal recipe (for disaster).
1,3,4 and 6 months; 1,2,3 and 5 years
OKR Goals work best if we regularly review our accomplishments and adjust our course.
1 Year and less
6 Months and less
OKR Goal Boards
For (cross-functional) Teams, for Value Units (Products, Services, ...), and Organizational Units
There is no better place to gather around with your colleagues
than on the various Goal Board pages.
OKR Goal Detail Page
Every OKR Goal has a home
All details and actions available in one place.
Shallow OKR network, NOT a hierarchical cascade
OKRs need to support each other by aligning their outcomes.
Accountability is achieved through ownership of team Objectives and being a caretaker of Key Results
Personal accountability is achieved by setting (cross-functional) team OKRs
where (some) team members become Key Result caretakers.
Lifecycle Management
OKRs can be in different states: Draft, Published, Active, To Review, Reviewed, and Abandoned
OKR Goals are not supposed to be modified whenever we feel like it. We start by drafting them.
As we finish aligning and negotiating with other teams, we publish the Key Results and the OKR itself.
Objective Wizard
Guided five-step Objective creation and editing wizard.
We guide you through creating the Objective, raising your chances to succeed.
Key Result Wizards
Guided multi-step Key Result creation and editing wizards.
Key Results are notoriously hard to get right. We guide you step by step.
Key Result Detail Page
Every Key Result has a home
When you want a focused discussion about a particular Key Result and do the Check-in, go to this page.
Key Result Types
Increase, Decrease, Maintain, Baseline, Milestone, and Percentage (0-100%)
Choosing the Key Result type greatly defines your OKR experience.
5 Ways to Create a KR
(1) From Metric Template, (2) From KR Library, (3) From existing Health Metric, (4) Generic KR, and (5) Quick create
From simple text input to powerful yet easy-to-understand steps to create measurable Key Results.
We allow less-than-optimal but encourage the best possible.
Key Result Prescoring
Agree on scoring upfront at Key Result drafting. Many to choose from: Yes/No (binary) and RAG (Red Amber Green) are the two most popular.
Agile Tools has a unique technique that allows you to agree in advance on what defines a
successful Key Result and to what extent. This approach helps to avoid surprises and negative attitudes at
the end of the cycle when it is time to evaluate all the Key Results.
Key Result Confidence
The subjective part of the Key Result scoring. Inform how likely you will achieve the target.
A subjective and predictive indicator for the success of any Key Result.
Prevent surprises from happening at the very end of the cycle.
Searchable and browsable Google-like library to learn and build from.
If you want some inspiration, search and browse many OKR Goal, Key Result, and Metric templates.
OKR Templates
For inspiration and to learn
Each OKR Goal template has several Key Results that can be individually chosen.
Can't create
Key Result Templates
Hundreds to choose from
You can start building your OKR by creating the Objective and then choosing a Key Result template from the Library.
Can't create
Metric Templates
Basic building blocks for Key Results
Use Metric templates for creating KPIs, Health Metrics, and Key Results.
Can't create
Work Management
Value Units
An umbrella term for products, projects, services, programs, etc.
Value Unit is the umbrella term for projects, products, services, programs, portfolios,
and everything else you believe delivers value.
Value Items
An umbrella term for tasks, stories, epics, bugs, etc.
With Agile Tools, you will be delivering Value Items, not Issues.
Work Boards
Visualize your daily activities on a Kanban board.
A common visual practice to organize your work.
KR to Value Items Links
Connect your daily work to Key Results
Daily work is optionally connected to chosen Key Results. This way, the tactical layer meets the strategic one.
Acceptance Criteria
Agree on when the Value Item is considered Done
Acceptance criteria are a list of conditions an increment of work must meet to be considered complete.
KPIs and Health Metrics
A Bridge Between KPIs and OKRs
KPIs and OKRs work best together, on one platform.
Monitor and manage independent KPIs and Health Metrics as well as those in current and former Key Results.
View only
View only
KPI and Health Metric Dashboards
Just by using OKRs, your KPI dashboards will come alive.
Create a Key Result based on a Metric template and view it as a KPI on a dashboard automagically.
Mission, Vision, Values
Hava a context for your strategy and long-running goals
OKR Goals need an anchor. By having top-most concepts defined and at hand benefits greatly when crafting top OKRs.
Long-running Goals
If you define a vision as a state your company wants to be in several years, then you can make it measurable
You can create measurable goals for the highest concepts, like Mission, Vision, and Values.
Strategic Areas (BSC)
Balanced Scorecard-like strategic view
A unique approach to monitor strategy delivery.
Cross-functional Teams Editor
Form teams from members of different departments
Organize teams and see how cross-functional they really are.
Unlimited teams
5 teams
2 teams
Teams build Value Units
One or several teams work together on building a product, finish a project, offer a service, and similar
Each Value Unit can have teams associated. You will be able to see who is dedicated to what.
1 team per Value Unit
Value Units
Organize Your Work
Products, Projects, Services, Programs, Portfolios, model anything you deliver value with
Value Unit is the umbrella term for projects, products, services, programs, portfolios,
and everything else you believe delivers value.
10 Value Units
5 Value Units
Organizational Units
Org Structure
Model your organizational structure to set OKRs on
Model structure for OKR Goals and for people to have "home".
10 Org Units
5 Org Units
Tool Configuration
Value Units
Types of Value Units you can choose from when creating them
There are quite a few Value Unit types available: Project, Product, Service, Application,
Component, Module, and others. With Core and Pro subscriptions, you can create your own ones.
Can't create new types
Org Units
Types of Org Units, a list of industries and job positions
Besides a classic list of Organizational Unit types, like departments, branches, divisions, and similar,
you can create your own ones. The same goes for a list of job positions to use for your workforce.
Can't create new types
Add new custom Strategic Areas
The default Strategic Areas originate from the Balanced Scorecard perspectives.
If you want to create your own Areas, you can do so with Core and Pro subscriptions.
Can't create new areas
Help and Support
Knowledge Base
Searchable Theory, How-to guides, Tutorials
You can find the Knowledge Base here:
Tool Support
Available via in-app widget
Get tool support via in-app chat widget.
Interactive Guides
In-app features guidance
In-app interactive short guides will help you get started.
Online OKR Course
Get OKR and tool certified
Courses available at
Onboarding Help
Help to get you started with the process and the tool
Contact us to get help with the tool onboarding.
on request
on request