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OKR Examples
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Push more accounts forward in the User Lifecycle Funnel

Increase the number of Trial Users from 200 to 300.

Increase the number of Active Trial Users from 40 to 60.

Increase the percentage of Paying Users from 3% to 7%.

Increase the percentage of Paying Active Users from 80% to 90%.

Avert customers leaving our product

Decrease Reaction Time to send segmented email campaigns for Inactive Paying Users from 5 to 2 days.

Decrease Churn Rate from 9% to 7%.

Improve the product creation process to become more profitable

Maintain Cycle Time between 10 and 14 days.

Establish Lead Time.

Increase Product Profit Margin from 18% to 25%.
Agile Tools Library
Key Result

Improve recruiting process

Reduce Average Time to Fill Job Vacancy from 3 weeks to 7 days.

Increase the number of competency Interview Questions by 10%.

Decrease Cost per Hire by 10%.

Achieve record revenues while increasing profitability

Hit quarterly Revenue of 1.000.000€ (from 890.000€).

Start sales in 2 new countries.

Achieve first quarter Revenues totaling 100.000€ in 2 new countries.

Increase Gross Profit Margin from 38% to 42%.
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